
Prantik Mazumdar

Entrepreneur & Venture Investor

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Hosted by
Hilmarie Hutchison

About Prantik Mazumdar

Prantik is an entrepreneur & venture investor and acts as a Digital Transformation Catalyst in organizations to drive sustainable change and impact. 

He is a regular columnist for Marketing Magazine, Campaign Asia, Economic Times, and Business Times on all things digital transformation and marketing and has trained over 500 enterprises in the region on this subject. 

Apart from his corporate role, he is an active angel & venture investor, mentor, advisor and speaker.

About this Episode

In this episode Prantik shares about his journey as an entrepreneur, as well as the challenges encountered when creating a start-up.

Tune in for a very exciting conversation!


The biggest obstacle to digital transformation is mindset and political will.

Prantik Mazumdar

“The goal is to sell for equitable access and opportunity.”


– Prantik Mazumdar

Show highlights

If you want to change direction, it takes time and effort. It needs that push, it needs that heavy investment and certain investment that will be recurring over time.”

Prantik Mazumdar

The success or failure is not in your control, but you want to ensure the journey would be an interesting and a memorable one.”

Prantik Mazumdar
Any sort of change that needs planning with the prioritized roadmap that includes identifying budget and people - Prantik Mazumdar Click To Tweet

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Episode 88