
Shanil Ebrahim

Dr. Shanil Ebrahim, a distinguished leader in Canadian healthcare, is a Partner at Deloitte Canada, overseeing the National Life Sciences and Healthcare Consulting Business.

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Hosted by
Hilmarie Hutchison

Shanil Ebrahim

Inspiring Leader in Canadian Healthcare

Dr. Shanil Ebrahim, a distinguished leader in Canadian healthcare, is a Partner at Deloitte Canada, overseeing the National Life Sciences and Healthcare Consulting Business. With a PhD in Clinical Epidemiology, he has held roles at Stanford University and McMaster University, contributing extensively to disability research and preventative medicine.

Shanil’s expertise spans provincial authorities, hospitals, and the pharmaceutical industry, driving evidence-based strategies and innovation in healthcare delivery. He also serves on the boards of not-for-profit organisations, embodying his commitment to community welfare and inclusive healthcare access.

About this Episode

Embark on an illuminating journey with Dr Shanil Ebrahim in this captivating Matrix Green Pill podcast episode. From his upbringing in Saudi Arabia to his pivotal role in reshaping Canadian healthcare, Dr. Ebrahim’s story is one of passion, purpose, and profound impact. Delve into his early fascination with technology, pioneering work in bioethics and clinical epidemiology, and advocacy for evidence-based healthcare practices. Discover the groundbreaking potential of CAR-T therapy and explore the future of digital health technologies with a leader dedicated to making a difference in the lives of patients and vulnerable communities.

Tune in for a thought-provoking discussion on healthcare innovation, compassionate leadership, and the transformative power of proactive healthcare solutions.

“We focus on finding innovative, cost-effective solutions as a result that can deliver big impacts”

Shanil Ebrahim

“You have to build an unwavering belief in yourself”
Shanil Ebrahim

Show highlights

Embrace every challenge as a chance to grow- Shanil Ebrahim Click To Tweet

“In this future of healthcare, digital health technology will be at the forefront, making healthcare more proactive, more personalised, more accessible”

Shanil Ebrahim

“It’s important to seize opportunities and immerse yourself fully in each learning moment”

Shanil Ebrahim

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