
Aimee Whiteoak-Medcalf

Loving mom and the co-founder of The Sandpit Greetings Co.

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Hosted by
Namita Thakkar

About Aimee Whiteoak-Medcalf

Aimee is an HR and Business Support professional, wife, mother to three children under 5yrs, and keeper of two fur babies. Life for her has been busy! 

She received her Bachelor’s Degree in HR Management in the UK and has worked for over 12 yrs. here in Dubai and in the UK in different HR, Operations, and business support roles across the banking, healthcare, and services sectors. 

The Sandpit Greetings Co. was launched in 2021  by Aimee and her co-founder Chloe. Having both been ex-pats for a long time, and now as mothers, they knew only too well the memories and milestones that are missed when friends and families live hundreds, even thousands of miles away.  Layer the pandemic on top and it just made sense. This is what was needed in the UAE, equivalent platforms exist around the world, but they were the first. They started by focusing on supporting a very talented group of artists who all handcrafted cards locally, with personal messages written by their team acting as surrogates. It has grown significantly over the past year with some key changes to the business model and expanding the range of its offering.

About this Episode

In this episode, Aimee shares her journey as a mother who co-founded an online business at the height of the pandemic.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the podcast episode!


Having a greeting card platform was what the UAE needed.

Aimee Whiteoak-Medcalf

“For us, it’s about uniqueness, not having that replication amongst artists.”


– Aimee Whiteoak-Medcalf

Show highlights

The interpretation by the artist is very different and I love that diversity and I think that really captures the UAE.

Aimee Whiteoak-Medcalf

Time and attention – new business, it needs so much more to help it grow and you need to nurture it every step.”

Aimee Whiteoak-Medcalf
It’s bringing everybody together and having those moments and being able to celebrate those moments. - Aimee Whiteoak-Medcalf Click To Tweet

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Episode 86