
Dalia Halabi

The Dalia Llama

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Hosted by
Hilmarie Hutchison
Shirin Zemmo

About Dalia Halabi

Counselor, Certified Life Coach, Mental Health Therapist

Dalia is a certified life coach, NLP practitioner, Hypnotherapist, ThetaHealing instructor, Reiki Master, Access Bars facilitator, and yoga teacher. She also has a Masters of Science in Applied Psychology.

Her approach to therapy is holistic and borrows from multiple disciplines to leave the client feeling empowered. She has been a mental health therapist for over seven years and offers sessions, workshops, training, and free content on her social media to help people take control of their lives.

Dalia’s drive in life is to educate people and give them access to different approaches to natural self-healing.

About this Episode

In this episode we talk to Dalia about mental health, focusing mainly on anxiety and how to manage it, shedding light on how social media can negatively impact and cause anxiety, as well as the different disciplines that we can practice in order to gain control over our demons.

Of course, we also talk about her Green Pill Moment.

“I try to live a life by example”

Dalia Halabi

​“Even though you work on yourself and you can be a healer, you can still be susceptible to things like anxiety and panic attacks, and it’s absolutely normal and absolutely okay.”




– Dalia Halabi

Show highlights

Your brain doesn’t know what is real or what is imagined. - Dalia Halabi Click To Tweet

“You can be aware that you have all these demons, but if you’re not taking the action to face them in a healthy way, then that awareness is not enough.”

Dalia Halabi

“The more open we are about our experiences, the more we can normalize it.”

Dalia Halabi

Whether you’re happy or not, that’s mental health. - Dalia Halabi Click To Tweet

If we are living life looking down constantly onto our screens we are missing out on everything that is happening around us. - Dalia Halabi Click To Tweet

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