
Akanksha Menezes Nair

Entrepreneur, Proponent of Organic Fashion And Founder of Tickle Tickle

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Hosted by
Hilmarie Hutchison
Shirin Zemmo

About Akanksha Menezes Nair

Entrepreneur, Proponent of Organic Fashion And Founder of Tickle Tickle

Akanksha Menezes Nair is the founder of Tickle Tickle Organic Essentials. She is a strong believer in sustainable living and she decided to use her passion for eco-friendly clothing along with her experience in sales to start her own 100% organic clothing brand for infants and toddlers.

About this Episode

In this episode, we talk about the radical shift in her life and career to pursue her passion for sustainability and living a life free of chemicals, especially when it comes to the clothes we buy for our children.

If you have a passion to follow your dreams, don’t miss this episode.


One of the main reasons is it’s never easy to get out of your comfort zone and start something new and something that is totally different from what you’re doing.

Akanksha Menezes Nair

“Trying to make a gradual shift in what I buy for myself and my little girl. I consciously started looking for brands and clothing that were sustainable, that were made without any harmful chemical.”




– Akanksha Menezes Nair

Show highlights

I have a 5 year old girl, who is my inspiration behind my brand and well it’s a beautiful journey so far.

Akanksha Menezes Nair

I wanted to start a brand where I am proud of and I believe I am causing a positive impact towards the environment.

Akanksha Menezes Nair

That is very important today, for people to realize and create awareness when it comes to organic clothing. If it’s not more, it is as important as much as organic food.”

Akanksha Menezes Nair
I wanted for her and her generation to believe that sustainability has to be part of their lifestyle - Akanksha Menezes Nair Click To Tweet

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