
Saahil Mehta

Entrepreneur, Author, and Passionate Mountaineer

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Hosted by
Hilmarie Hutchison
Shirin Zemmo

About Saahil Mehta

Entrepreneur, Author, and Passionate Mountaineer

Over the last decade, Saahil scaled 4 of the tallest mountains in the world, a dream that he harboured since childhood. But only once he was able to conquer his self-limiting mindsets & habits he was able to re-invent the complete spectrum of life- from mental focus to physical excellence and from beautiful relationships to efficient environments with a singular focus on ‘de-cluttering’ what no longer serves his life’s true calling & purpose-to scale the actuals summits of the world as well as the metaphorical summits of personal mastery.

With his debut book Break Free he shares his personal journey of how he transcended all odds to scale the summits of his dreams, and how you too, can dream up new personal summits every day, once you have mastered the art of decluttering life by adopting his fool-proof process of breaking-free.

About this Episode

In this episode, we talk to Saahil about his personal journey of self-discovery, his changed mindset, and his new life purpose. We dive into what obstacles he faced, the tips he has to share with others and his debut book Break Free which shares his entire journey as well as his ways of decluttering his life.

If you are looking for some inspiring guidance to help you break free, tune into this episode.

“I didn’t have to pretend to be anyone that I’m not. I no longer have to impress anyone, I could just be me and the next four days were absolutely euphoric.”

Saahil Mehta

​“If you don’t love yourself, how can you expect others to love you? If you don’t believe in yourself, how do you expect others to believe in you? If you don’t trust yourself, how can you expect others to trust you?”




– Saahil Mehta

Show highlights

Sharing had a positive impact on other people’s lives, wow, it felt more meaningful. My life felt more meaningful and purposeful. - Saahil Mehta Click To Tweet

“It’s basically getting rid of anything that no longer serves a purpose in your life. It could be a thought, it could be something physical, it could be your health, it could be toxic people, you know, could be a whole bunch of things but if something doesn’t serve any purpose in your life, then why are you attached to it.”

Saahil Mehta


“If there’s nothing you can do that’s going to change the outcome of the situation, then what’s the point of worrying about it? And if there is something you can do about it, then get off your backside and do it. Put a plan of action in place and all of a sudden worrying fizzles away.”

Saahil Mehta

“If I wanna help spread this message of the “break-free framework”, which I call it, to help people remove clutter in their lives and break-free, I have to start sharing on platforms that everyone uses such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and I also ended up writing a book.”

Saahil Mehta

My friends would tell me ”the stuff you shared with me has such a profound impact on my life. Don’t keep it to yourself. Share with more people”. So, I started to share with more people. - Saahil Mehta Click To Tweet


“For me, clutter is nothing more than shunned confrontations and by constantly wanting to please others”

Saahil Mehta

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