
Tips for Conducting Podcast Interview: A Guide to Preparation

Podcast interview

Preparation is vital for hosting a successful podcast interview. While podcasts tend to look effortless, it is important to put in the time and effort to prepare for the interview. You will have a better chance of making a good impression with your guest and gaining helpful information to benefit your audience.

Practice is critical to improve how you deliver a more natural podcast interview for your listeners. It is very easy for people to detect a forced discussion. Hence, your goal as a podcast interviewer should be to get better, even if you are still a beginner.

Most top-tier podcasters use similar interviewing techniques. In this article, we will explain how to conduct a flawless interview while avoiding pitfalls.

Podcast interview

Podcast Interview Tips


Below are some podcast interview tips that to transform your delivery in your next episode:

Do Your research 

Conducting research is a crucial component of conducting a podcast interview. Getting enough knowledge about the guest should be your primary objective since knowing too much will ruin the enjoyment. Knowing too little can also make you seem disconnected and miss opportunities to ask important questions that listeners would want to know.

Try to look between the lines when you read someone’s “About” or wiki page and consider what their achievements could be saying about them as a person. Additionally, keep an eye out for anything that stands out as being unexpected or different since they are often the places where the seeds of a fantastic narrative are found. Matrix Green Pill podcast is one where the hosts always try to learn about the story and background of any guest. Hence, the interviews tend to be deeper, tailored and more inspiring. Ways to learn about them can be their website, social media, or earlier interviews they’ve conducted.

 Curate questions


Preparing a list of questions before conducting any podcast interview is crucial. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t feel obligated to follow it rigorously. Allow the discussion to flow spontaneously and be adaptable. Take your guest’s lead and answer with a pertinent follow-up question after they’ve spoken. This will enable you to go deeper into some topics and give your interview a natural flow.

Also, when working on the questions, it is best to avoid asking the same questions that others might have asked your guest. A question your guest has already answered several times is of little use. If you do, you will get a scripted response. Therefore, utilize your investigation to find more original perspectives.

Deliver the desired results to the audience


Keeping your listeners engaged and entertained should be a goal of any podcast interview. Therefore, you are responsible for asking your guest about the information your audience would find most interesting. It is useless to ask questions the listeners already know the answers to or aren’t interested in. For example, the Matrix Green Pill podcast tailors discussions towards entrepreneurship, health, business, and other themes around the guest’s professional life and career.

Make a list and mark the points along with your study. This will allow you to eliminate anything you believe the audience won’t find necessary.

 Set the tone


Make sure you establish the talk’s tone before the interview begins. Describe the interview’s format to the guest and enquire about any queries or concerns they may have. Please make sure they are at ease and prepared to begin.

Don’t interrupt while your guest is speaking


This is very important. One of the most frequent errors new podcasters make is interrupting, which can irritate listeners. Try to wait until your guest has completed answering a question before interjecting. This results in a more organized and understandable listening experience.

Interview Questions for Podcast Guests


Below are some interview questions you can ask your podcast guest:

  • Which business leaders do you like to follow? Who inspires you the most?
  • What principles matter to you when considering the company you want to create?
  • Which books most significantly influenced your career?
  • What led you to your current profession?
  • Where can they go to find out more about you?
  • Which productivity tip do you prefer for entrepreneurs?
  • What can people anticipate next from you?

Final Thoughts 

As a podcaster, preparing well before interviewing anyone on your show is always best. Podcast preparation tips include researching, setting the tone, preparing questions, etc.

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