
Growing your PR profile with podcasts

Growing your PR profile with podcasts

Growing your PR profile with podcastscontent marketing

Content consumption has found its way through various channels and one of the most glaring and popular ones seems to be podcasts. Not only have podcasts cultivated a target audience that has the potential to turn into potential customers, but they also have the power to drive earned media. Growing your PR profile with podcasts will help your surely business thrived.

What started off as a new way of internet radio broadcasting, Podcasts today enjoy an enviable share of attention (in comparison with traditional media) from audiences across all demographics and geographical territories. Going by its growth pace it is estimated that 132 million podcast listeners in the USA alone will listen to podcasts by 2022; there is no way you can ignore its capabilities as an essential PR tool.

Authority Speak

Whilst PR engagement is constantly looking for opportunities like quotes, article placement, and expert talks to establish authority in relevant fields; podcasts have the merits as an excellent medium to increase your audience. Budding entrepreneurs can explore this wonderful channel to position themselves as specialists in their niche offerings. This, in turn, can also help in leveraging the attention of notable personalities to gain guidance and traction.

Podcasts are not Audio blogging

audio broadcasting

Almost every brand has a strategized content plan of action and blogging is an indispensable part of it. Podcasts, for some reason, have been compared to audio blogging but this is erroneous. Podcasts have a set frame of structure, predictability, repetition, and have an identity of their own. There are underlying benefits that probably no other medium can reap.

Remember the ‘C’s

PR interns and professionals alike have always been told to remember the crucial letters ‘W’s (what, where, when) and H (how); enter podcasts and we now have C’s to remember! Get it straight – Compelling story, Clear messaging, and Convincing call-to-action – can really have a tangible impact on your audiences.

Establish a routine

When all of your content library enjoys timed sharing, extend the same to Podcasts too. Decide a day and time every week for regularity. Develop a clever schedule. Ensure high-end audio quality, otherwise, they turn out as dampeners. Balance your content and presenters. Alternate between male and female voice for a bit of variety.

Timing is key


We cannot agree more that timing plays a vital role in every PR activity. Creating podcasts on trending and much-discussed topics can swing attention your way; which is a great way to build your audiences. It is crucial to not just capitalize on what’s hot at the moment but to make sure the release is timed well. There is no point in having a well-recorded episode that talks about yesterday’s news.

Go ahead, get the team together, and talk about exploring the power of Podcasts!

This blog appeared first on the Matrix Public Relations blog.

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Further reading

podcast show notes best practices

How To Write Podcast Show Notes

Like a well-crafted podcast script, podcast show notes can greatly interest listeners in a particular episode. They also help attract new fans to...
