
From Software Engineer to Co-Founder: Asim Rais Siddiqui’s Entrepreneurial Journey

asim rasees blog

Asim Rais Siddiqui, the Co-Founder and CTO at TecRevol, recently made a debut on The Matrix Green Pill podcast, hosted by Hilmarie Hutchison. The interview covered Asim’s humble beginnings, educational background, work experience, and entrepreneurial journey.

Asim’s passion for technology led him to pursue a degree in Computer Engineering, where he became even more fascinated by problem-solving. With his determination and ambition, Asim worked as a software engineer across several organizations, sharpening his skills and navigating the ever-changing tech sector.


Despite his successful career, Asim felt confined in his previous job and was left without employment after his former company shut down. This unforeseen turn of events marked a turning point in his life, provoking him to join forces with a like-minded entrepreneur Abeer Raza, co-founder and CMO of TekRevol.

TekRevol, after Asim’s debut on the show, shared a blog about his experiences and his story! Head over to their website to read the entire blog! (hyperlink blog)

But if you’re more into listening than reading, head over to our podcast episode with Asim!

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