
Choosing The Right Podcast Niche: Tips for Identifying Your Passion

Podcast Niche

When the idea of creating a podcast first lights up in your mind, the first thing you might be inclined to do is purchase podcast gadgets and tools. However, you have to take a prerequisite step: choosing the right podcast niche.

Finding the right podcast niche is essential to differentiate your podcast show from others and give you an engaged and dedicated audience. Thus, we will show you tips to identify your passion and choose the right podcast niche.

How to identify the right podcast niche

Podcast Niche

Write a comprehensive list


The first step in finding the right podcast niche is to write a general and detailed list of subjects you love. It can be about what you like to read about, the news you follow more often, or podcast shows you listen to. For instance, if you prefer to listen to a show like Matrix Green Pill podcast that highlights relatable stories of real people across fields like health, business, finance, entrepreneurship and innovation, your interest may be in the stories of people.

Furthermore, it is crucial to understand what your intended audience will enjoy. Choosing the right podcast niche will consider what you love to talk about and what others find interesting.

Know your strengths


It would help if you also highlight your strengths and expertise. Figure out what you know most and find easy to talk about. Your job and education will also play a role in what your strengths are. Test your strength by developing different podcast episodes and answering questions your future listeners may have. It is easier and more enjoyable as you research if your podcast niche idea is an area you already love.

Pick the areas you love most and narrow them down


The next step is to compare your strengths with your general interests and what the intended audience loves. Many podcast niche ideas will come to you, but you have to narrow down all these into particular niches that resonate with you the most. In addition, the more specific the niche, the better. A podcast like Matrix Green Pill features real stories of entrepreneurs and innovators to motivate people. This is a broader niche in the industry as innovation extends to diverse fields. For example, the episode with Ankur Joshi focused on his startup journey while episode 132 featuring Mahekkk Vasaa discussed a topic as specific as numerology and graphology. Despite this, the core for Matrix Green Pill Podcast remains fascinating stories and inspiring listeners. Similarly, you might also want to avoid podcast niches already saturated with many people, except you can present your ideas uniquely.

Check out the competition


Although your podcast niche may not be so fully saturated, someone will always talk about the same topics you discuss. Here, you need to look up other competition podcasts and see what they are doing and where there are gaps. Find ways to fill these gaps and make your podcast show stand out.

Consider future monetization


Finally, as you identify your podcast niche, you need to consider your plans for monetization. Many podcast shows provide a source of income for people. Monetization can be through ads or brand partnerships. Other ways to monetize include coaching, selling merchandise or courses, etc. Consider if your desired podcast niche can be monetized and begin to work towards it.

Although it will take plenty of research as you brainstorm on podcast niche ideas, it is still worth it as time passes. As the podcast host, you will benefit as you explore and maximize your talents. Your audience will also benefit because they consume good content.

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