
Shehab Beram

Shehab Beram is a dynamic figure in the field of product management and entrepreneurship. Originally from Libya, Shehab's journey spans continents and industries, from Malaysia to the Middle East.

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Hosted by
Hilmarie Hutchison

Shehab Beram

Founder of Vision X

Shehab Beram is a dynamic figure in the field of product management and entrepreneurship. Originally from Libya, Shehab’s journey spans continents and industries, from Malaysia to the Middle East. He began his career early, achieving significant academic and professional milestones. As a senior product manager, Shehab has spearheaded innovative strategies and founded VisionX, a personal branding studio for product leaders. His diverse background and experience have made him a sought-after mentor and consultant in the product management space.

About this Episode

In this episode of the Matrix Green Pill podcast, Shehab shares his remarkable journey from Libya to Malaysia and then to the Middle East, detailing his early start in the tech industry and his transition into product management.

Shehab discusses the inspiration behind his career shift, the importance of certifications, and the challenges he faced in stakeholder management. He emphasizes the significance of building personal relationships and offers insights into his entrepreneurial venture, VisionX, which aims to enhance the personal branding of product leaders.

The conversation also covers the trends shaping the future of product management, including the impact of AI, and Shehab’s innovative approach to integrating AI models into his workflow. The episode concludes with a lightning round of personal questions, revealing Shehab’s management style, daily routines, and his Greenpoll moment that defined his career path.

“I’ve learned the hard way that it’s all about influence. It’s all about leading with no authority. ”

Shehab Beram

“Make sure that your work is visible, make sure that you’re moving the needle, meaning that you’re improving your metrics”
Shehab Beram

Show highlights

If you don't enjoy doing your job, even after five pm, it's not the right role for you.- Shehab Beram Click To Tweet

“I was obsessed with learning. ”

Shehab Beram

“I realized that investing in personal relationship is super important, I started to see basically a very positive impact on my relationship with them the overall workflow and the products we built.”

Shehab Beram

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