Abeer talks about his journey and shares some tips and advice for aspiring entrepreneurs.
Abeer Raza
Co-Founder & CMO at TekRevol
Abeer is a serial entrepreneur enabling startups, entrepreneurs, SMEs, and enterprise-level organizations to find their course in the digital era, with a keen focus on disrupting the conventional sphere and leveraging technology to solve real-world problems.
Abeer co-founded TekRevol in 2018 and took charge as its Chief Marketing Officer. What started as a self-funded startup is now a multi-million-dollar company, impacting lives around the globe.
About this Episode
In this episode, Abeer talks about his entrepreneurial journey, and how it is always important to believe in yourself and maintain mental composure. He also talks about the sacrifices one has to make in order to successfully run their business, and shares some tips and advice for aspiring entrepreneurs.

“If you have an idea, just go for it”
Abeer Raza
“Businesses can fail, but the only difference between a failing business and a successful one is mentality.”
Abeer Raza
Show highlights

“It is important to surround yourself with the right people who can carry out your vision”
Abeer Raza“Life has no meaning if there is no purpose”
Abeer RazaUseful Links
Website: https://www.tekrevol.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/abeer.raza
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abeer-raza-77b97528/
The Matrix Green Pill Podcast: https://thematrixgreenpill.com/