
Is it time to have your own Podcast?

Is it time to have your own Podcast

Is it time to have your own Podcast?


What is Podcasting all about?

Podcasts can be described as the audio equivalent of blogs and vlogs. The term ‘Podcast’ is a combination of ‘iPod’ and ‘Broadcast’. It refers to an audio file (or series thereof) covering any topic that people can subscribe to and listen to at their convenience.

Though the concept of Podcasting originated in the mid-2000s, it remained a relatively obscure medium.  Its usage was primarily restricted to the field of entertainment and knowledge sharing. In fact, it is only in recent years that businesses have grasped the potential benefits of Podcasts for the purposes of Marketing and Communications. Thus, they started incorporating Podcasts in their Media plans.

Over the years, the popularity of Podcasts has increased exponentially, especially amongst the younger generation.

Hence it has grown in importance as the ideal platform for engaging the youthful demographic.

what podcast is all about

The beauty of Podcasts is that you can listen to them anytime and anywhere. Undoubtedly, it is especially appealing for people on the go. Multitasking people find it more convenient to ingest messages without having to disrupt or delay their routine activities.

From the producers’ perspective, Podcasts are easy to produce and also scalable. You can produce a podcast using your personal computer, within the confines of your home. Anyone can do it.  As a matter of fact, you don’t have to invest in sophisticated high-end equipment. Although, producers may opt to invest in more advanced and sophisticated tools as soon as the Podcasts become a thriving success.

Benefits of Podcasts

Podcasts offer multiple benefits to producers, making their usage more pervasive in the field of Corporate Communications.

1. Podcasts can be aligned with your overall digital marketing campaigns. It offers an innovative way of reaching out to existing and potential customers.

2. They can cover a wide array of content, such as new product launches, additional services, new breakthroughs, etc.

3. The subscription-based model ensures higher engagement levels amongst listeners since listeners would subscribe only to topics that interest them. This increases the probability of new customer acquisition.

4.  You can build brand loyalty and trust using a podcast. You can connect with your audiences and make your point in dramatic fashion through well-chosen words and a carefully modulated tone of voice.

5. Podcasts are efficient and cost-effective. They are easy to produce and extremely affordable, requiring minimal investment in software and recording equipment.

This blog appeared first on the Matrix Public Relations blog.

Further reading

podcast show notes best practices

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